I am not that close to the ocean. About leather: here are differently tanned leathers. I carry 2 carbon steel pocket knives in an oak tanned double sheath. I do this to keep them outside of my pocket and any sweat,etc. that invariably darkens carbon steel that is kept in the pocket. I've been carrying these knives for over 20 years. They are left in the sheath day and night. Somehow my blades are still perfectly bright.
There's oak tanned,chrome tanned,sumac tanned,and I don't know what else. Oh,I have a 19th. C. ship maker's adze that has always been in its original old,nearly starting to fall apart leather blade guard. The bright bevel on the adze is still bright,though I'd have thought the tannin is certainly freely available to rust it.
So,another "go figure".