Your 1" mike does have a solid frame,but the larger ones that Tumico made were hollow. Plus,yours is a later mike,so I'm not sure what they were doing by then. If you want to protedt the faces of the mike,close it on a piece of oiled cloth lightly. DO NOT use a piece of wool as wool will attack steel. I'd not use wool even if your mike has carbide faces,as the wool might attack the steel just behind the faces.
I got a Civil War pistol that was kept for years (before I got it)in a coarsely woven wool sock. It got so corroded that you could see the FULL weaving(or knitted) pattern of the sock in the metal.
Wow that's pretty amazing. Good to know too hopefully I remember that. This mic has lightly surface rust on the anvil. And I have to adjust the barrel as it doesn't read on zero.