Torque on Bridgeport R8

How does a mechanic explain to an engineer what "snug" is? I have a clue what torque is, but it's a multi variable problem that is most simply solved by the application of "enough" torque.

I work in a world of measurements, specifications, and numbers. One thing I'm sure of at this point is that the numbers don't matter. I rate the effectiveness of a system based on whether it meets the requirements. If I require a tool not to move on my mill while I work, I'm going to give it enough torque to be "effective". I think this is the answer that has been the lowest common denominator in this thread.
I regret using "don't have a clue" but I went on to say why they don't. They being experienced people. Of course I have done my own test. I'm 6'2" over 200lbs 78 yo and the best I can do with an 11" wrench is 30lbs. So I will have to go to back gear lockup, get on a stool use both hands to get more. Maybe I need to do that but though I would ask you guys first. What I learned is that no one (responding) really knows, and that's not a bad thing, so I will end this here and go do some pullups.