Tools For Lathe And Mill From Shars And Enco

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wawoodman... you referring to the list that was supposed to be finished 2 months ago, ha ha ha.

Thanks Bob. There was a Noga on my list somewhere. I'll bump it up so I can perform the initial tram that way. Then I can make my own with dual indicators. Good suggestion.

Okay, I'm still plugging away, but little by little I'm getting the hang of this. Obviously I have a long way to go but hopefully I can make a reasonable first purchase.
Vactra 4 sticks on the vertical ways better. Places you need a thick film to stay put. Returning to Enco is simple though I only needed to once. Excellent customer service there. I've bought a lot of small stuff from Shars and never been disappointed either.
For me I use Wholesale tool they are in Warren MI. I am less than an hour from you. I am west of Waynesburg PA . I would love to see your new mill . I sold my Hardinge horz and I want to get a table top like you have.
Get a dial indicator or two and build the tramming aid you are looking at. Simple useful project.


I'm with Dave on the tramming aid. I ordered two .0005 indicators ($37 delivered) from Shars and built my own. It was my first project on my new to me mill.
I have been doing this for 50 years. Do I need a pro tram system/tramming aid, NO, DEFINITELY NOT! Do I need 1-2-3 Blocks, NO! Do I need Shars stuff, NO! Do I need an electronic edge finder, NO! (but it sure is eye candy). Do I buy stuff from ENCO, definetley YES! Do I buy stuff from Shars, NEVER! But, my shop must have something in it? Because, I can’t even walk in it from one end to the other? There is too much crap in the way! Please have a great Turkey Day, Dave.
Dave V... Thanks for the Wholesale Tool recommendation. Checked out their website and kept their info for later. At the moment I'm having enough trouble just trying to absorb Enco. On another note, you're more than welcome to stop over. Let's touch base after the holidays. BTW, one of the reasons I purchased the PM lathe and mill is because they're less than 30 minutes from me and Matt seems to be a good guy.

Chips... That was an excellent, to the point post. So for now, I'm only going to concentrate on Enco. Thanks to Hman, I have a few extra days which is a huge help. He even cured my headache.

Jprato... That was one of the reasons I planned to get their tram... the one with the 0.0005" indicators.

dave2176... That made sense. I'll keep an eye on how well the V#2 holds up (pun?) so I'll have a better idea.

EVERYONE... Have a great Thanksgiving. And please, if you have any specific recommendations let me know... a part number would be great.
Dale Derry at Metal Tips and Tricks on YouTube has a couple (actually four) very good videos on making your own tramming jig. Check them out.
THAT'S OVER 2 HOURS OF VIDEO! :eek: :eek: :eek: :faint:

That baby will have to wait until my Enco order is placed. But I WILL watch it. Thanks!
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