Tool Post Grinder

I hope you can see from the photos that the basic tool remained the same. I just had to make some changes to the motor brackets and the pulleys. The power supply and the controller are housed in an electrical box that has a main power, a on switch, and a speed reostat on the cover. The box hangs on the chip tray of the lathe when I need to use it and is stored away at other times. Any questions, don't hesitate to drop me a note.
What exactly were the issues with the router motor?
First, I had to rewire to reverse the rotation. I was using a shop version of speed control that would not hold steady and several times the speed went above the rating for the stone. The new unit is rock solid when the speed is set.
First, I had to rewire to reverse the rotation. I was using a shop version of speed control that would not hold steady and several times the speed went above the rating for the stone. The new unit is rock solid when the speed is set.
I may be okay with the Makita then since it has variable speed from the factory. The old Craftsman one is just on/off no speed control. Because the stones I will be using screw on I think it will just depend on which end I mount the drive pully of the spindle. I have several motor shafts from non working electric motors that I thought I could use for the spindle shafts. They already have centers in them and are press fit to the i/d of the bearings. Die you use special bearings or just regular ball bearings?
I purchased precision, axial load bearings.
I just called our local, Bearing Belt & Chain. I asked the guy about roller bearings that had an RPM capacity of 15,000.
He says, I have no idea. You give me a size and I sell you a bearing. I hung up.
I looked at a Timken catalog. It has the class, size, capacity and RPM range in the catalog.
What ever happened to customer service.
I almost called him back but I thought, he won't learn anything. No wonder it looks like they are going out of business.
I purchased precision, axial load bearings.
Your build is looking great!!!

Could you please share the bearing s you chose to use.
There are grinding wheels made for this application with a much higher RPM range. I think you want to be up over the 15K range.
The Dumore specs on the model 44 has a speed range of 6,600 to 38,500 RPM.
I would assume there are grinding wheels that can be operated at those speeds?

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