+1 on Firstram reply. Some do not like the 202 style with the v, saying it weakens the lower support surface. I prefer them for my holders, as I often put boring bars, end mills, router bits, etc in the v, plus it easily accommodates any 1/2 or larger insert holder. I have about 6 201 type, and about 3-4x as many 202 type.
Only disadvantage to the 202 type is if you need to hold a very small tool bit; it tends to fall into the v. If I run into that, I just put a piece of 1/4 stock under the bit to close off the v.
Was a tool & die maker for 20 years before career change 25 years ago. Have lots of lathe time between those jobs and my hobby now. Never saw anyone bend, or break, that lower surface of tool holder - V or no V. Your mileage may vary.