Today's Jokes - 2024

Wasn't terrible to many, but apparently touched a nerve to one of our UK members. I've seen far worse (here) on occasion, we all have varying sense of what's funny and what isn't.
There is no accounting for taste nor what any given individual might be offended. If I am offended I simply move on, I am both a red neck and a native Texan, both of which see their fare share of "humor" at their expense.

I personally found the meme humorous and not political.
My great uncle died in a concentration camp.
The drunk bastard fell out of the guard tower and broke his neck!!
Interestink, veddy interestink!

I had an uncle who worked in a brewery. He fell into a vat of beer and drowned. I'm told it took quite awhile because he had to get out 3 times to pee.
