Today's Jokes - 2024

When your pants scream louder than a jet engine...
(Pratt & Whitney J58 after-burning turbojet, SR71 Blackbird...)

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I saw that engine at Dayton Air force museum when they pulled it from the SR71 to service it. And it's a big F'in engine. It looked much bigger than it looks here, possibly because of the angle and position.
And yes, those pants are super loud.
Two best friends graduated from medical school at the same time & decided that in spite of two different specialties, they would open a practice together to share office space ...
Dr.Smith was a *Psychiatrist* & Dr.Jones was a *Proctologist* (Colon to Anus)
They put up a sign reading

Dr.Smith & Dr.Jones
Hysterias & Posteriors

The town council was livid and insisted they change it.
So, the docs changed it to read

Schizoids & Haemorrhoids
This was also not acceptable, so they again changed the sign to

Catatonics & High Colonics
No go. Next, they tried...

Manic Depressives & Anal Retentives
Thumbs down again.
Then came..

Minds and Behinds
Still no good.
Another attempt resulted in ...

Lost Souls & Butt Holes
Unacceptable again!
So they tried

Analysis & Anal Cysts
No, not a chance

Nuts and Butts
No way

Freaks and Cheeks
Still no good

Loons and Moons
Just Forget it!
Almost at their wits end, the docs finally came up with...

Dr.Smith & Dr.Jones...
Specializing in Odds & Ends.

Everyone loved it.
That's a pretty large Stihl she's holding . :p