Today's Jokes - 2024

A German tourist dove into a river to save someone's dog. When he came back, he said to the owner, "Here iz ze dog, put him in a blänket so he iz dry and warm and he vill recover" The owners ask him, "How do you know, are you a vet?" The German looks at them blankly, "Vet? Im bluddy soaking!"

I once tried working in a shoe recycling shop but didnt last long, it was sole destroying.

Can you get chicken broth in bulk at the stock market?

The shovel was a ground breaking invention but the latest type of broom is sweeping the nation.

Is she called Ilene because one leg is shorter than the other?

Did the person who created the door knocker win a Nobel prize?

A man brings his Rottweiler into the vet. “My dog is cross-eyed is there anything you can do for him?”
“Well,” the vet says, “Let’s have a look at him.” The vet picks up the dog and looks into his eyes. After a few second the he says, “I’m afraid I’m going to have to put him down.”
The shocked owner replies, “what?! Because he’s cross-eyed?!”
“No, because he’s heavy.”
A German naval station gets a distress call over the short wave.

“Mayday! Mayday! SOS! SOS! I’m the captain of an American ship and we need help immediately! This is an emergency!”

German sailor: “This ist ze German naval base. Vas ist ze problem you are havink?”

American captain: “We’re sinking! We’re sinking!”

German sailor: “Vas are you zinking about?”
My grandfather lived in Dayton, OH his whole life (1886-1989). During the process in 1969 of getting him out of the house he lived in for 50 years and the one my Dad grew up in, I was told a story that when my grandfather's bike had a flat, his mother told him to take it down to the nearby bike shop to get it fixed. After he returned, his mother asked him if he knew who it was that fixed his bike. His answer was "No". She said it was the Wright Brothers.
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