Today's Jokes - 2024

I asked a guy at a paint store why almost every paint shaker I have ever seen are splattered with layers of dry paint? He said, it was because sometimes the containers rupture or leak at the lid, even when it's clamped down.
All the paint shakers that I have seen securely clamp the container so the lid can't come off. They also sit inside a closed cabinet. More likely, the container lid was off and the container was knocked over. Since the paint appears well mixed, it would probably happened when the lid was removed to compare the mixed paint with the card swatch.

Still, it would be huge cleanup. My experience is that it is almost impossible to remove the color from rollers or brushes.She probably had yellow highlites for some time.
Our paint shaker holds the can from the sides. But,,,,, it’s probably 40-50 years old.
I have a shaker that holds 2 one gallon cans or smaller. I can tell you, that you can do everything right and still have a can related failure. It happens even when being diligent.
I have a shaker that holds 2 one gallon cans or smaller. I can tell you, that you can do everything right and still have a can related failure. It happens even when being diligent.
I have a HF shaker, I hope to never experience a failure.