Today's Joke - 2023 Mega Thread

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I got four too, with K9 unit and everything.

Someone called the cops on me while I was watching for Perseids. They apparently thought that I was looking for boat engines to steal.

The coppers apologized for the inconvenience and gave me a ride home.
My personal best is 4.
My personal best is having 4 cops pull me from the back door of my house at gunpoint, frisk & cuff me. As I went into the front yard with them, the entire cul-de-sac was filled with cars, and there were a dozen more cops with guns pointed at me (and their fellow officers). My neighbor said there were cars parked around the corner, and there were more than 10 cars, and 20 cops.

My housemate took Zanax or some other heavy duty sleep aid (she may have washed it down with some booze) and called the cops for a home invasion burglary when I arrived home after she had fallen asleep. She moved out the next week.

10 minutes later I was out of cuffs and we were all having a good laugh. I didn't sleep well for the rest of the night.
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