Thread Plug Gages - No-go goes and go does not


Jun 4, 2024
Have not been involved in this much, just been hearing about it here at work.

No-go goes but Go does not. This is what I have been told
Gages have been measured over wires and check out OK
Different taps have been used
I asked if they have tried to tap by hand and NOT on the machine. Was told yes but the person was not 100% positive.

OF COURSE... I am not 100% sure of any of this other than there is a problem and I am sure I may get dragged in.

Any other ideas, thoughts or questions to ask?
I have always only used this type of gauge. Is it possible that the gauges themselves have been inserted into the wrong end of the holder?
Let us know what the outcome is . :grin:
Have not been involved in this much, just been hearing about it here at work.

No-go goes but Go does not. This is what I have been told
Gages have been measured over wires and check out OK
Different taps have been used
I asked if they have tried to tap by hand and NOT on the machine. Was told yes but the person was not 100% positive.

OF COURSE... I am not 100% sure of any of this other than there is a problem and I am sure I may get dragged in.

Any other ideas, thoughts or questions to ask?

If somebody's got a gauge for the desired fit, then there's a spec on hand.

The gauge (s) have been verified over wires. That means there MUST be a spec on hand, somebody knows it, and each end of that gauge matches the maximum or minimum.

If the small one (I did not say go or no go) goes in and the big one (I did not say go or no go) does not, then you have an on spec thread.

Where the use of a tool is not 100 percent clear based on it's nomenclature alone, "creative" labeling, naming numbering, or "directioning" is showing up more and more.....

If the gauge is spot on, but the labels are backwards go back to basics to solve the user's problem. Including a label such as colored paint. That (presumably) keeps the user on the same page with every other tool in the tool room.

If the gauge is spot on but the labels are actually correct, then you're gonna have to "science it" pretty thoroughly. Thread pitch, correct amount of truncation on the "V"s, and generally the whole "shape" of the thread, versus only the pitch diameter that's been verified with the wires.
The gajez are in the rong side uv the handle. (or you coud say the handle iz backward) I can see it even thru the coverz.

See how shallow the thred iz on the left?
The gajez are in the rong side uv the handle. (or you coud say the handle iz backward) I can see it even thru the coverz.

See how shallow the thred iz on the left?
They are not the ones in question