Another good score for me! I just picked up a genuine Rockwell milling attachment for my 11" off Craigslist for a grand total of $155, including shipping. I'm anxiously waiting to receive the package and take a look. From the pics on the ad, it appears to be in very good condition, except that the vice jaws were made by the current owner. Looks like he did a nice job on them, though. Hopefully, I'll get it by this weekend.
I applied the final coat of paint to the lathe parts and chip pan yesterday. Not sure I'll get to paint the cabinet. I may just rattle-can it to just get a coat on it, then refinish it in the future, after our move back out west. At any rate, I should be able to get the lathe back on the cabinet and fully assembled this weekend. Have to let the paint harden a little. I'm looking forward to getting it back together and finished.
I still need to make a rotary phase converter for it before I can get it making chips. Still looking for a 2-3hp motor in decent shape that isn't priced like it's gold-plated.
Hopefully, I'll be able to post some pics of the finished lathe this weekend.