Tell me about mist coolant systems (and alternatives)...

My set up. Nice and portable between machines. Since the Noga is magnetic you can stick it about anywhere.
I like my dental sprayers... drip is one button, oil mist is both buttons

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Koolmist 77 and distilled water, at the recommended concentration has worked great for me. No rust or rancidity issues. Delivered via misters on the surface grinder, and bandsaw. Had a Lube Cube on my mill, and it worked great as well ( have since sold the mill ). I'd buy one again for sure.
Anyone care to share their favorite soluble oil brand/supplier?
I'll want a gallon at most, a quart would get me started. To avoid big shipping charges, something sold in Seattle would be most excellent unless someone knowss a reseller with free shipping?
I use HSS cutters most often with occasional carbide. Small/old/clapped-out mill and lathe. Have only used cutting oil applied with a brush or squeeze bottle until now. Leaning toward the LubeCube (thanks @mksj!)
I have a small air compressor that lives next to the mill already.

I have tried several, My favorite is "Metal Working Fluids, TRIM MicroSol 685", I bought it for the flood cooling and it works well in my mist system.
Alternatives often require air/compressor to pressurize the delivery system. Also depends on the application if this is for a mill or a lathe. Various coolants available, I use a water soluble oil emulsion solution which works on a wide range of materials, my primary concern was improved cutting performance, minimizing rust and low volume. A Fogbuster type system works on low pressure for both air and fluid lines so the end result is more spitting fluid as apposed to aerosolization. I made my own system and both lines have separate pressure regulators and solenoid valves. There are also separate needle valves to set the flow, I run very low pressures these days. Cost to make your own system is probably under $100. Alternative is below. At one point I tried Kool Mist solution in my bandsaw but had a lot of rust as well as going bad in the tank.

Many thanks for the stupdisimpletools link. I found two (2) and probably more to come, additions to my shop. They have some well thought out and designed tools on the site.