Generally speaking, Unified National screws are available in Number sizes from 0 to 12. The Number screw size system is based on a major diameter of .0600 inches being size 0. Each size larger than #0 adds .0130 inches to the major diameter (i.e. a #10 screw has a major diameter = 10 * .0130 + .0600 = .1900 inches). Number sizes 7, 9, and 11 were removed from use in the 1920’s leaving sizes #0, #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #8, #10, and #12 in common service. The #14 size screw is not commonly available. #0 screws are only available in the UNF pitch. Sizes #1 through #10 screws are available in UNC and UNF pitches. Size #12 screws are available in UNC, UNF, and UNEF pitches. Each size smaller than #0 subtracts .0130 inches from the major diameter (i.e. a #00 screw has a major diameter = .0600 – 1 * .0130 = .0470; a #000 screw has a major diameter = .0600 – 2 * .0130 = .0340 inches; while a #0000 screw has a major diameter = .0600 – 3 * .0130 = .0210 inches). Number sizes smaller than #0 have mostly disappeared in favor of (metric) Unified Miniature Threads.