Tankless Water Heater Troubles

Say what?
I'll have to watch that when I get home.
If you watch either the video of Jason or another of his he shows his tank it mounted horizontally. Someone commented about that. According to him the manufacturer says you can mount it any way you want except upside down. I never checked cause I was always going to mount mine vertical.
Depends on what is high. I know it is slightly acidic about the same as a tomato from what I understand.
My heater is a goner? Well that was quick. Less than a month.
My expansion tank sits the same as Liljoebrshooter but mine is small @ 2.2 gallons.

Condensation from your exhaust is acidic (from Wikipedia: The condensate expelled from a condensing boiler is acidic, with a pH between 3 and 4. Condensing boilers require a drainpipe for the condensate produced during operation. This consists of a short length of polymer pipe with a vapour trap to prevent exhaust gases from being expelled into the building. The acidic nature of the condensate may be corrosive to cast iron plumbing, waste pipes and concrete floors but poses no health risk to occupants. )

Try putting a copper condensate drain line under that heater and see how long it lasts.
I am not sure what the chemistry is that causes the acidity but maybe a tankless water heater like what I have is less? The temp of the supply is significantly less with a tankless water heater than a boiler. Maybe that makes a difference.
Condensation from your exhaust is acidic

I am not sure what part you are looking at to think that it is exhaust. The line with all the condensation on is the intake. The water you are seeing is condensation from the ambient air. You cannot see any exhaust condensation in the video. I'm sure that Duane has the condensate drain going to the floor drain or a condensate pump.
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