You guys are really incredible. I'm so glad I stumbled upon this forum.
I have a quick question or two
1) what kind of steel are drill bits? Do they generally have enough carbon to anneal, work, then reharden?
I'm planning to work on learning hand graving while I get my stuff together. Just a hammer and some gravers, easy enough!
2) I totally agree with the suggestions that I start with some good files, though, for now I think I'll try to ind a decent set o needle files. The question is this: I would like to make and chisel my own larger files, so, what would be the best grade of steel to do this with? I know this sounds crazy and I should just buy some, but part of what I'm doing is seeing how far I can go really making everything I want to use.
I don't know if I mentioned this, but I have access to a glassblowing studio, large torches, and kilns, so forging some chisels and other similar elements should be easy enough. I'm keeping my eyes open for a little piece of railway to make a jury rigged anvil.
Last but not least, ERICC - by "how many years do you have" you mean metalworking experience? Its an interesting question - I've been woodworking since my father decided I was old enough to use a knife. Maybe 8 years old?
I've been blowing glass since 2002 or 3 I think, Though I guess I cant do that too much anymore with the injury. Also I've been working with metal casually on and off throughout the years here and there informally to get projects done. So no years but technically also a fair bit of casual experience? Oh I also did a few years of silversmithing.