I have a small Taig lathe, work about 4" diameter, at most 6 inches long, compete with milling attachments. It's yours for freight. I'm in Ohio, will be meeting later this week with a good friend from Ontario. I can have him ship it to you, If you will pay his cost to ship. I'll box it, weight is maybe 10 lbs.
This lathe has a collet chuck, I don't know if any other chucks can be adapted or not. There are some collets with it, more can be purchased, but max size is probably 1/4 to 5/16 inch. It has only one speed, (110 volt)
In all honesty, it was once a Taig lathe, the motor is not original, but the body of the lathe and the milling attachments are all standard. I see (online) that Taig does offer a 3 jaw chuck, don't know enough to say if this lathe can adapt one or not.
Let me know by Friday night if you will accept this offer.
Tom Bredehoft
seventy four zero seven hundred forty five, ten fourteen