Spin Indexer Slipping

I have (from outward appearances other than color) the same SpinDexer/Spin Indexer, also from Penn Tool. The ER32 collet holder is firmly fixed in the tube, I suspect with a Loctite-like compound. The ring is used to tighten the collar to the tube and the tube itself is adjusted for end play with the collar at the crank end.

I’ve had everything apart numerous times making “improvements” (The Home Shop Machinist or Machinist’s Workshop article coming) and everything is tight when it goes back together.

I’ve used mine for indexing to mill flats, etc., but haven’t tried rotating cuts. However, there are multiple videos of these devices used like a dividing head.
I have (from outward appearances other than color) the same SpinDexer/Spin Indexer, also from Penn Tool. The ER32 collet holder is firmly fixed in the tube, I suspect with a Loctite-like compound. The ring is used to tighten the collar to the tube and the tube itself is adjusted for end play with the collar at the crank end.
I used red locktite on the index plate and spanner nut tonight. Fingers crossed. On mine the ER32 collet holder is machined into a 5C collet which is pulled in by the standard drawbar. I can pull it out and use a regular 5C collet in it's place. I can also use that 5C-ER32 adaptor collet to mount ER32 collets in my lathe and 5C collet blocks. Pretty handy.
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