Speed limits across the country !

I have seen cars buzz past the nose of the police car doing 50 over and nothing happens. When I was in France and Switzerland back in 1991, speeder were not that obvious. I wonder if it is still like that.
Texas Toll road 130 in Central Texas:

Speed limit is 85 mph on some sections. Some sections are only 80. Three lanes or more each direction. Wide medium between north and south bound lanes.

No problem cruising at 90.
Down to Waterton today . Nice place on the lake . 11 hr day on the road . :)
The great part of an 80mph speed limit is you can do 90.
Given the speedos in all cars overstate the speed by something in the order of 5-10% (manufacturers don't want to be liable for speeding fines), you're probably doing a touch more than 90MPH.:big grin:

That's partly why the "The speed limit is 70 MPH and I'm going to do no more than that, so you can't either" crowd who clog up the overtaking lanes on UK motorways make me want to scream.

On UK mororways, the inside lane (the leftmost lane) is the lane one should always seek to be in, or seek to return to, as soon as is safe and practical. Sure, lorries tend to mean you can end up spending a fair bit of time in the 1st or 2nd overtaking lanes, and no one really thinks your car should be moving like an AIM9.

But people who sit in any of the overtaking lanes, not overtaking, make me wish I could call in support from an Army Air Corp Apache; a burst of 30 mike-mike would give these fekkwitts a lesson they wouldn't forget!

On the other hand, sometimes when the volume of traffic is high or there's roadworks there's been an incident, you just have to accept that you can't go the speed you want. In which case, bring able to nuzzle the ear of the driver in front is stupid and dangerous.

Even if traffic is speed restricted at say, 30 MPH, being up the arse of the driver in front is stupid. Every time they slow down, you'll have to put the brakes on and the eejit behind you who's also up your arse, will see your brake lights will go on and put their brakes on and suddenly you're all doing between 0 and 10 MPH.

Oh, I know we all know this stuff, but I just wanted to have a little rant.
In the US we drive on the correct side of the road ;). In some states the left lane is legally the passing lane. In NC this is not the case. All lanes are considered regular travel lanes unless there is specific signage otherwise (i.e. slower traffic keep right) This is often misunderstood.
I see a lot of the crowd that believes that if they are going the speed limit they can and should be in the fast lane because no one should be going any faster than the speed limit. It is those times I wish I was driving an M1A1.........
Well here in Charlotte you can be 10 over in the right lane and you may get passed at high speed on the SHOULDER! It's happened to me 3 times in recent memory.
I see a lot of the crowd that believes that if they are going the speed limit they can and should be in the fast lane because no one should be going any faster than the speed limit. It is those times I wish I was driving an M1A1.........
Sentiment understood but who WOULDN’T be passing you in an Abrams? Top speed isn’t exactly highway speed.