Speed limits across the country !

IIRC (it was 10+ years ago), it was 75 between ABQ & Roswell, but as it was dusk/dark, the roads are dead straight and you could see forever I did some stretches significantly above that (oh, yes: rental car).
That is a unique road. It goes through 3 counties without a curve and no big hills for most of it. I’ve driven it many times over almost 50 years.
The speed limit on rural roads in Wisconsin is 55 mph. The exceptions are some divided highways which are 65 mph and interstate highways which are 70 mph.

In my youth, I had been known to drive fast. As high as 140 mph. Those days are long gone. I haven't had a speeding ticket in over 20 years. Now, I tend to drive about 5 mph over on rural roads when no one is on the road Not too often any more, do I pass slower vehicles. If there is traffic traveling at or close to the speed limit, I settle a comfortable distance behind and keep pace.
Earlier today:


Yes, I was on a jet. I found it amazing that I could get a GPS fix. It was fun to watch the planes speed on takeoff and approach.
IIRC (it was 10+ years ago), it was 75 between ABQ & Roswell, but as it was dusk/dark, the roads are dead straight and you could see forever I did some stretches significantly above that (oh, yes: rental car).
Do rental cars even have a speed limit?
In Calgary Canada now . 2512 miles , most at 80 mph plus . :encourage:
I believe you can drive your age. I heard that someplace.

What's scary is to look around at the folks in a supermarket, Walmart, Costco, etc. Walkers, breathing tubes, obese and more. Then think, these are the folks coming at you closing at over 100 mph, going to miss you by maybe 4 feet?
If speed limits are set so that everyone can handle it, then we would never see a speed limit over 25 MPH. I see a lot of people that even have trouble handling 25MPH. Young people think that video games have given them real world driving skills. The trick is to get them to live long enough to figure out that video game skills do not translate to the real world where the laws of physics can not be changed with the push of a button and if you make a mistake there is no reset button.

My truck has a governor that kicks in at 105 MPH. It came with tires speed rated to 118 MPH. What many do not understand or realize is that as a tire wears its strength is getting less and less. Near the end of its life it can handle a lot less speed than when it was new. The speed rating has nothing to do with traction or handling. It is all about the mechanical ability of the tire to not tear itself apart from the gyroscopic forces due to RPM and the increased temperature due to the speed.
80 MPH sounds fast until you hit Montana . Drove over 120 miles on one road and didn't see one vehicle , only steers . My eyes were peeled on the gas gauge wondering if human life existed out here . :grin: Stats were 136 gallons for 2512 miles , 18.5 mpg in the 4 runner .
Do rental cars even have a speed limit?

Welll, I did swap the car the next morning in Roswell (turns out Roswell airport wax a graveyard for Eastern Airlines at that time): I think I toasted the transmission. Then visited the UFO museum before meeting with the potential client (wasted trip, they didn’t want to spend $$ on design).