So help me god - Mill cleanup & Beginner advice

DTI? I’ll get the .0005” thank you :)

DTI = dial test indicator

Back to dial indicators, .0005” models are not as common as .001”, but I think you’ll be happy if you buy one. When I use a .001”, I find myself interpolating a lot.

Lets go in reverse order today - here is the mill tucked away. I put a tarp over it to protect it - hoping to off load it with the help from a forklift tomorrow.

Tables in worse shape than the pictures depicted - I guess if you're buying things at auction that inspection day is really important. Not awful though for a machine that's older than i am! Produced in May 1988 :) I'm not to bummed though - it gives me the ability to learn and expand - without having to worry about wrecking something *(well, i guess i have to still be concerned about that - but it gives me one less thing to cry about if i do mess something up)*

Anyone got good tips for stones? I know the precision stones i've been looking at are like 300+ - seems steep, to instantly take them out of flat with something like this? Sandpaper with a norton from amazon? I have grey scotchbrite? Maybe some of that, with a cheap stone to follow after?

Still can see the original oil pockets - there is a specific name for this but i can't remember off the top of my head. Machine is absolutely more worn in the middle - which is to be expected. This machine is FILTHY, it literally looks like they used it up until the day their doors closed. I'm going to have to heavily go over this poor thing, might need to remove everything as well, i don't want contaminates to stay where they aren't supposed to be - and i bet this thing wasn't serviced properly...

Some money shots of the head - i think it's 3 phase - so i'm going to have to figure out how to get this changed over? VFD? Top of the draw bar was also beat to hell and back :/

Motor and model information - pretty sweet to own something that's been kicken longer than i have. Once i get her cleaned up she should be able to teach me a lot. Looks like the motor was changed out recently.

First stop for gas to check if the straps were all still tight - do as i say, not as i do, DO NOT rig this thing up like i did. I didn't know better, tried to do some last minute research - figured i'd be able to ask the riggers for help (WRONG). Should have set an additional pallet or plywood down, they forked me a dripping machine, and well - it made a mess to say the least...

Emergency stop at Home Depot for additional straps - the machine didn't have to travel far, but i wish i had more tools to disassemble the DRO and other accessories on the machine. I'm pretty sure i should have put a cardboard buffer between the straps and where they contacted the table (one strap i think vibrated a good anymore...).

I got it home but i learned a lot - namely that i'm a ******* idiot that was wildly unprepared for what today entailed, but i guess life is about learning, and sometimes the lessons are best served cold. I got away with one today, but would not recommend winging it like i did.

I only traveled up with the orange straps which were not only too short, but WAY undersized and some car straps with linked extensions - none of which would reach ANYTHING on the machine. They kept a hold of it though, and some careful driving allowed me to get to Home Depot. Again, i can't help reflect just how out of my element i am - i don't have anyone near me that i think would be willing to teach me, and my family isn't the machine type. Bummer, but hopefully i can lean on all of you guys and this forum. I probably spent a little more than i should have, especially after all the transporting was done, but i'll learn from it, and i get to pull this beast apart and reassemble it. It will be a great learning tool i hope, and a spark for a serious fire.