Single Cylinder Opposed


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Feb 2, 2014
I was surfing the internet and this drawing showed up and cough my eye.


It is a 1900 Gobron-Brillié opposed-piston engine.
It is a 2 cycle 2 cylinder 4 piston opposed engine.

I have only been able to find 4 drawings of the engine and almost no technical data so a picture is worth...
I will try to build a single cylinder 2 piston 4 cycle opposed piston engine of similar design.
I have already built a 2 crankshaft 2 piston opposed single cylinder chain drive engine that runs just fine. So I have high confidence.

I usually start by building the crankshaft of the model first and then make the engine block fit the crank. I had to order the ball bearings for the crankshaft and I wanted to get started so I drew this up for reference.

Cylinder Block.jpg
I marked out the lines on a previously sized block of aluminum.

Milling out the parts that don't look like an engine.

Milling the connecting rod relief sections.

And the results so far.

Thanks for looking
That sounds very ambitious. I'm looking forward to this build.
Looks like an awesome project! I'm looking forward to seeing the progress. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks to both of you and welcome aboard.

Now this looks really interesting!
Tom and Robert thanks for the reply I'm ready for another challenge.

I milled the center hole and the side slots for the upper connecting rods.

This is where I usually paint the engine block some color but it looked so nice that I decided to just give it a good buffing.

Thanks for looking
You have me really intrigued. Looking at the drawing, I really can't get a handle on how this thing functions. Guess I need to stare at the drawing for a while.
Some diesel engines have this design.

Has 2 crankshafts connected with a chain, the pistons form top and bottom of cylinder and have a very high compression ratio.

2 stroke without normal valves.

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I don't understand (from the graphic) how exhaust is handled by the Gobron-Brillié engine. The "A" ports are named "valve pocket" on Wikipedia.
Like you said, not a lot of information out front.