Should I buy this INDEX SUPER 55 mill?

It has a different style power feed than mine. My gearbox and motor assembly bolt to the saddle and hang down on the right side of the knee. My serial number is 55 7464.
It has a different style power feed than mine. My gearbox and motor assembly bolt to the saddle and hang down on the right side of the knee. My serial number is 55 7464.
At some point it would be a big help to get measurements of the power feed bracket on the side of the table. Being that I have some pieces, I'm thinking of making an L shaped piece.
I verified the fine feed handle is functioning like a champ. The star knob was seized in the open position.
At some point it would be a big help to get measurements of the power feed bracket on the side of the table. Being that I have some pieces, I'm thinking of making an L shaped piece.
I verified the fine feed handle is functioning like a champ. The star knob was seized in the open position.

Mine is apart right now, but hopefully not by tomorrow evening. Do you have some clear pictures of the left side of the table and saddle? That will determine if mine is the same.
I might have what I need.
A measurement from the side of the table to the far end of the bracket casting with the cover off is really all I need.
The second to last photo is the inner side of the bracket. The last photo is the cover.
Looks pretty much like the one on mine. If you have all the peices, you could braze it back together. That would be my first try, anyway. Good luck.
index makes good quality tools you just have to look at it as a project. anyone can buy a new piece of equipment but you get so much more when you rebuild and use a tool that you repaired. bill