Shop Organization — How I attempt to keep track of stock, supplies, hardware and whatever.

Great idea; but unfortunately I standardized on Casio EZ-Labels years ago and it's hard enough finding quality black on white tape in the 18mm width I mostly use
How about colored dot stickers? Yeah, they may fall off eventually, but color coding makes it easy to find things - that's if you aren't color blind.
makes it easy to find things

That’s why (with the exception of long bolts) all of the metric are in the Pantry. And with the exception of Shear-Locs & knobs all imperial are in the Shop.
That’s why (with the exception of long bolts) all of the metric are in the Pantry. And with the exception of Shear-Locs & knobs all imperial are in the Shop.
I hope you don't eat those nuts... they'll crack some teeth, or add some iron to your diet.
Very nice effort in being organized. May I have that patience and time someday.
I’ve been collecting hardware and such from auctions and garage sales, and junk cleanups for 40 years to someday organize.

It’s sad that I probably have what I need somewhere, just can’t remember where I stashed it. Easier to go to the store and buy it again.

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It’s sad that I probably have what I need somewhere, just can’t remember where I stashed it. Easier to go to the store and buy it again.

That’s what drove to get better organized 4 years ago: too much hardware I already had and I found myself buying small tools that I came across I thought I could use - when a tool would arrive I’d find I already had one (or several!) when I put the new one in a toolbox.

I gradually accumulated hardware over 30 years, then discovered Bolt Depot when I needed metric fasteners. I have saved carts in my BD account so when I am ready to start a project I can make a big order for immediate needs & stock. The danger in this is I have been known to leave the “extra” & stock items in their little plastic bags long after a project is done so I have to sort through the pile before buying anything else.
When I start organizing my shop (the first project on the list when I retire…), I’m going to find permanent homes for my rolling tool cabinets. Since they currently “float around” they’re always in the way…
Prep'd two storage tubes from 3" PVC drain pipe (the low pressure/density pipe works great for this; plain test caps glued on the base and test caps with tabs for easy removal for the tops:

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That’s a great idea!