Selling stuff, safely


H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2019
I'm dealing with an estate with a lot of stuff. Some of the stuff I will use an estate sale company. I fully understand the pros and cons of that, including how seamy that business is. Have done quite a bit of reading, and have been interviewing companies. But that's not my question. When I asked my attorney, he only knew of two people that clients told him they had a favorable experience. I thought that spoke volumes about that business. I'm not expecting a whole lot from most of it. There is some jewelry, but most of these guys actually do weigh everything, so I'm not worried about that.

There are some things I want to sell separately. Things that I know can sell, and what they sold for. (I looked up recent sold values on eBay and other auction sites.) I'm guessing the only free venue is FBMP these days for local sales. I'm certainly not shipping things. So how can this be done to ensure my personal safety? This is for cash, I'm not doing anything else. No electronic anything. What do I need to reliably detect counterfeit currency? I'm talking maybe in the $1-2K range. I've heard of setting up the deals at the local police station. What do you guys and gals recommend?

You also have local Craigslist . Auctions are everywhere now and most are online .
I do all of my online sales at the local police station. The only time I need to notify them is if I am selling a firearm so that they do not get excited to see one in their parking lot. I have had people refuse to do the deal at the police station. An honest buyer would have no such fear. Someone intending to rob you would have a big problem with the police. I also do have a CC and am prepared.

As for checking for counterfeit. The pens that the stores use on larger bills are cheap and easy and pretty accurate. Know the key things to look for on each value of bill to check authenticity and denomination. Your bank may be able to help with this.
I do all of my online sales at the local police station. The only time I need to notify them is if I am selling a firearm so that they do not get excited to see one in their parking lot. I have had people refuse to do the deal at the police station. An honest buyer would have no such fear. Someone intending to rob you would have a big problem with the police. I also do have a CC and am prepared.

As for checking for counterfeit. The pens that the stores use on larger bills are cheap and easy and pretty accurate. Know the key things to look for on each value of bill to check authenticity and denomination. Your bank may be able to help with this.
What's the search term for these pens?

My bank branch left town, but I suppose I can contact the main office.

No CC, never really had the need for it. Cities in general are stingy with CC, as opposed to more rural areas. I'll have to make some inquiries.
I do all of my online sales at the local police station. The only time I need to notify them is if I am selling a firearm so that they do not get excited to see one in their parking lot. I have had people refuse to do the deal at the police station. An honest buyer would have no such fear. Someone intending to rob you would have a big problem with the police.

I do the same when selling on FBMP and when I can when buying. Also use busy gas station/convenience stores.
When we do Craigslist, we state we have odd working hours, so please use email as first contact.
Some folks comment that people may not be able to contact that way and only use a phone.

My argument is that if they can see the ad, they must be on an internet connected device, and email is basic. Everybody has thing.

Many ask if it is available, and sometimes, it is stupid. It is an automated generated thing, maybe, and he asks if whatever in title is available

We indicate if the ad is visible, it is available, and pull add when sold.

For fun, we answer with a question like, "Please confirm what size shoe you want and either no more message or conversation starts.

With conversation, you can determine the next steps.

Electronics, jewelry or other such items need to be done at local pd.

Heavy things are fine in the yard.

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I am still in the mind set that 99% of people are good people. Most things I sell are too heavy to cart to a public place. Cash is best but I have done E-transfer a few times ahead of the sale only if i have gained trust with the buyer over phone calls. You can learn a lot talking on the phone with someone buying a tractor or piece of equipment.
I have never sold Jewelry or anything similar so this might not work for this.

I am still in the mind set that 99% of people are good people. Most things I sell are too heavy to cart to a public place. Cash is best but I have done E-transfer a few times ahead of the sale only if i have gained trust with the buyer over phone calls. You can learn a lot talking on the phone with someone buying a tractor or piece of equipment.
I have never sold Jewelry or anything similar so this might not work for this.

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Having been burned recently, it has changed my perspective. I previously shared your opinion. Someday I hope to have that opinion again.

Be that as it may, I'm just trying to sell a couple things so that we get at least close to FMV on some of them. The rest of it will probably go for a song, and I'm mostly ok with that. There's a lot of stuff that needs to be vacated, far too much to be retained, even if I wanted it.