Yes they are loud, much louder than the band saw. But they do cut faster so if you have a run of pieces to cut, it will get through it quicker.I thought these were REAL LOUD.
I decided to go with the Milwaukee deep cut saw.
I decided to go with the Milwaukee deep cut saw. Pick it up on Friday
I will noise will not be a factor now, as I also have a place in the country to do all my cutting and bring the pieces to be used on my Sherline in city during the work week grind to machine. Ha just finished negotiating with the wife on purchasing a new lathe for our retirement home. She was tough had to give her half of the garage for lathe and to have it insulated. The nerve of her was that she asked me for a budget their goes the 12"x 36" lathe option.Please let us know what you think of the noise level.
I have one too, sure it does have some high-frequency to it, but I think that doesn't carry far thru walls/structure.
However, my power hack-saw low-frequency "grunt" from the attached garage can be heard in my basement.