Schooling the SWMBO???

You guys are breaking my heart. SWMBO will flat steal tools without any thought of ever returning them.
I get to to listen to some of the cutes reason why it should be hers.
Just so you folks know I am telling the truth ask her about the RBI scroll saw I adopted 15 years ago. She still won't let me use it.
Find those keys to your tool boxes and start using them....
and 2:?
Get your SWMBO her own tool box (equipped with tools).
best $ you'll ever spend.

Also, make sure the tool box is in the house.
this way she'll never make it to the shop/garage.
my wife relieved me of the responsibility of caring for the little ones after having to tell me the up to 20lbs on the package
was the kids weight and not the diapers contents....
MY SWMBO learned a long time ago, Don't ask stupid Questions like "How much do you owe the Snap-On Man?", "how much were those Motorcycle Tires?", "Why is the Motorcycle in the Front Room ?", and My Favorite " were you passed out drunk in the front yard this morning?" !

Q: "How much do you owe the Snap-On Man?"
A: less than the car We bought for your Daughter.

Q: "how much were those Motorcycle Tires?"
A: Rents Paid, Bills are Paid, I paid for them out of my Paycheck, why does it matter?

Q: "Why is the Motorcycle in the Front Room ?"
A: Your Daughter has her own Air-conditioned room, I don't see the problem Unless you want to move the kid out to the Garage.

Q:" were you passed out drunk in the front yard this morning?"
A: No Baby I was Cammping, You know you're the #1 Most Important thing in my life, I'd Never come home drunk
mine was calling the wife telling her i was to drunk to drive home and her replying shut up stupid your in the driveway.
Q: "how much were those Motorcycle Tires?"
A: Rents Paid, Bills are Paid, I paid for them out of my Paycheck, why does it matter?

I tell mine it didn't cost you anything.:lmao:
Now just look at this my way, My dearly beloved is the tidyest girl in town , whenever I put a tool down she picks it up and puts it away even if i havent finished with it , the trouble is that her places for things are different from mine so i dont always know what is where. I have banned her from the shop but somhow she manages to pop in whilst I am absent, Just to help out!!
When I open the door and see the floor all clean and tidy I shudder to think how long the next project is going to take Just finding the tools.
So be careful what you wish for.
Mines a good one....:worship:


She may be related to my wife. Over the years I've developed a "system" for finding things she has "put away". I first try to figure out the spot/place that would make the least sense, start my search from there, and work my way towards the sensible ones. :p She was not amused when I explained my methodology one day.

I'm sorry you haven't mastered the art of SWMBO training. It is very difficult to do I will admit, but it is a necessary task and not one to be taken lightly. There are times when the resources at hand are not compatible with the task required, but we must always persevere and keep our eyes upon the goal. So much for the BS. I married a tomboy, and she would rather be outside working in the yard than in the house doing housework. We have a deal, if she does the cooking I will clean the kitchen. She gets up at 5:30 and does a load of laundry, then off to work. When I leave, I put them in the dryer. Works out great. She said if I get her the mower she wants, she will keep the grass beat down (4.5 acres). So I got her a BadBoy mower. Pic to follow.
We have our tools, not his and hers. She is a mechanic at work and so am I so we take care of our tools. We've been married 21 years and hope for another 21 at least.
One pic was right after we married, one is her drilling and tapping a roll grinder flange and one is her changing the steering gear on our old mower.

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