Saying hello, and introducing my next project - breathing life into an old Atlas 10F

So the serial of my "nice" TV36 is 026817. Nameplate on the RH end of the bed.
I can;t find any kind of nameplate on the 48", or any evidence of one (but the grime may be covering up). WIll have a more detailed look in the future. Or maybe it;s a clone ? Still in mazak though...
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shed tuner, does your 48" have anything stamped into the top of the right end of the front way, and if so, what? Also, look carefully for drive screw holes on the right end or rear of the bed.
shed tuner, does your 48" have anything stamped into the top of the right end of the front way, and if so, what? Also, look carefully for drive screw holes on the right end or rear of the bed.
damn, you guys are good.. it was right there, under the grime... would never have found that :)


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