Hi there. New user here. First let me say that this is a great thread and you have a great build. I currently have a Grizzly G0704 converted to CNC, but want bigger. I am looking at getting a RF45 clone and doing similar to your build. I see from the posts that you used the motor kit with the 4200 oz-in Nema 42 and the DQ2722M driver for the Z-axis and 1600 oz-in NEMA 34 and DQ860MA drivers for the X and Y. That said, I have a few questions I hope you can answer.
1. I don't see a lot on the DQ2722M driver and I'm not sure how it works. Since it has AC input, I suppose it must rectify the AC into DC before the driver section. Do the specs say anything about what DC voltage is supplied to the motor?
2. Have you had any problems with the stepper/driver combo (Other than the broken wire I saw).
3. How smooth are the motors? For example do any of the motors exhibit a great deal of mid-band resonance?
4. I may have missed it, but what size ball screws did you use on X, Y, and Z axes?
Thanks for posting your build!!