I have an 8520.
The seller was someone I know who bought a Bridgeport, and I was lucky enough to be looking for a small mill when he was getting ready to sell the Clausing. It came with the factory power feed, a decent older import vise, a set of MT2 collets, drill chuck and a few other misc bits. It is in great shape for being 55 years old. A lot is made about R8 vs MT2 spindles, but I haven't had trouble finding MT2 tooling. The ones with the BS7 spindles might be more trouble to find tooling for.
I've got some Clausing literature and it looks like the 8530 came out in the late 60s so about 10 years after the 8520. It does have some improvements but appears to have been offered as a higher end machine, rather than a replacement.
On the 8530 the knee is redesigned and appears to be heavier, it also has a 2 speed hand crank on the right side, fast (I think 4-1) for quickly moving the table in the X axis and slow for precision movements. The 8520 just has a single speed crank. The 8530 came standard with the 4" column riser, which was an option on the 8520. Mine has the riser and it makes a big difference, only 11-5/8 spindle to table without the spacer which I think would be fairly cramped.