Precision Twist Drilll drills made in Brazil?

I never seen this drill bits here...there something more writed? An logo or something
I always wondered how that went over so well with the populace.

Whoops- I am starting to wonder if I have let (or led) my thread way off topic :)
Sorry folks!

Back to drills and tools! :)

Its the accountants push for outsourcing.
My sister owns a publishing company in the UK.
Some years ago she outsourced all her printing to China at a huge saving.
The quality was at the level she required so she made the profits she wanted.
Lately she has been bemoaning the fact that the Chinese are putting their prices up and she cant find a printer in the UK for her work.
She wasnt very happy when I explained it was her fault for outsourcing in the first place. Now the Chinese desire more than a bowl of rice for wages the rest of the world gets annoyed.
When I asked if she was now looking to India for her printing she said yes.
This scenario is being played out in companies everywhere.
The profit margins obtained from outsourcing are transitory with the move to another country being required after a short while.
As the standard of living in those countries climbs products cost more.
The cycle then starts again in another country.
Lets look at recent history - Japan, Taiwan, Korea, china, now India. All of these countries produce quality products as good as anything at home but you have to pay a price very close to the home price for that quality.
Whilst we still insist upon a walmart economy at home we will always be flooded with cheap tat.
The old adage you get what you pay for is usually correct.
Hey cascao- do you mean PTD drills?


Yes but PTD mean nothing to me. This drils does not look Brazilian made.
Here most of the drils are Irwin, Dormer, Bosch...and this kind of companies always proudly put her logo in the stuff that they made
the cheap ones always come from China.
With Brazilian cost I thing is almost impossible to compete with China in US market.
Yes but PTD mean nothing to me. This drils does not look Brazilian made.
Here most of the drils are Irwin, Dormer, Bosch...and this kind of companies always proudly put her logo in the stuff that they made
the cheap ones always come from China.
With Brazilian cost I thing is almost impossible to compete with China in US market.
Precision Twist Drill is the company name or PTD for short.
Yes but PTD mean nothing to me. This drils does not look Brazilian made.
Here most of the drils are Irwin, Dormer, Bosch...and this kind of companies always proudly put her logo in the stuff that they made
the cheap ones always come from China.
With Brazilian cost I thing is almost impossible to compete with China in US market.

Hey Cascao-

These are good drills! I was saying from the first minute that they look high end, and I am not complaining about the quality. So here's a +1 for Brazil made!
And to be clear, these nice Brazil-made PTD drills are not even trying to compete in the low-end/China-made market.

My issue was with the packaging. PTD is short for "Precision Twist Drill", and has made drill in the USA for a long time. And it ends up I was mistaken, the Huot Drill Index was made in the USA, and marked clearly. I ASSUMED this meant the drills inside, also because I know PTD used to mean made in USA anyway.

Maybe it's just me, but does it really mater who makes it as long as it's priced appropriately for the quality?

I mean I America makes just as much crap as any other country.