Precision Twist Drilll drills made in Brazil?

I recently purchased a set of screw length Numeric PTD bits and like yours they are marked made in Brazil.
I recently purchased a set of screw length Numeric PTD bits and like yours they are marked made in Brazil.

Thanks Maxx-

I found that they cut really well. I ordered the cobalt drills, which I do whenever I can afford it. Two pretty, curly spiral chips!! :)

Back in my younger years, "green behind the ears" I spent 6 weeks down in Brazil setting up some equipment the company I worked for sold to a place down there. The biggest issue was getting decent cutting tools that would hold up to the heavy machining they were doing. The country would not allow their people buy from the US or Great Britain if it was available there in Brazil. We had to take what we could get in the way of carbide inserts that were available. And to get the correct grade of insert we needed took months to get in. I don't know if they ever got them or not, I have left to come back home.

I was shown some drill bits they used, they look like the ones that came from Japan back in the 1960's. I would think in 35 years they have made considerable improvements in the quality cutting tools.

But I am also disappointed in American industry for not investing into new equipment set up here at home to continue manufacturing rather than sending it over to another country.
It's not so much the investment in equipment it is more to the cost of labor, dealing with unions, EPA etc.
I think it is this "Walmart" attitude people have.

"I can buy that for $1.60 at Walmart"... Then pay people nothing, so they can only AFFORD to shop at Walmart.

I know buying imported goods has allowed many people to own things they couldn't before. But now people are not wiling or even aware of purchasing the higher quality item, made locally, which will last 5 times longer- or a lifetime!

Then we would still be able to paying our workers more HERE. I am not militant about it- I own a Toyota. But it was built in California.

I know this is going to sound insane, but buying hinges at the cheapest price possible isn't always the best long term plan for our economy.

Better hope the drills are better than the worthless Nicholson files now made in Mexico and Brazil. They are so soft,an old Nicholson USA made file will easily file off 1/32" of the surface of the new file,to well below the gullets of the file teeth.

I found that out the hard way. I now have a two complete sets of Nicholson files that are good for scrap. Foolish me, I thought Nicholson was still made in the USA.
I also bought a set of Hout bits. Like you I thought they were made in country. My set is the 115, 118 degree jobber drill bits. I paid $165.00 on sale from a local nut and bolt supplier. The bits work well, but I feel duped regarding the Made in USA label.

I worked for a municipal government most of my career I can remember that in the old days on government jobs the bidder had to supply USA made materials. Where did we go wrong?
I worked for a municipal government most of my career I can remember that in the old days on government jobs the bidder had to supply USA made materials. Where did we go wrong?


I worked for a municipal government most of my career I can remember that in the old days on government jobs the bidder had to supply USA made materials. Where did we go wrong?

The fair trade act was the beginning.