POTD- PROJECT OF THE DAY: What Did You Make In Your Shop Today?

Today the 605 got its tire fixed, and i gotta changing the W210 front springs, used a M16 threaded rod thru the spring to compress it, i also changed the front brake pads. With the old spring removed it's the same length as the new ones, so no point in installing the new ones, i need to raise it so i'm planning to make a spacer tomorrow and install the old spring back in.
I thought someone might enjoy this picture of “clearance is clearance” for getting an internal grooving tool into a bushing for an x-ring seal:
Sorry for the terrible pictures but did a really quick job this morning - hated the tiny little wheel on the tail stock on my lathe, so found this amoungst a random pile of scrap and made it my new hand wheel - it works BEAUTIFULLY, and the weight means it can turn with some momentum.

I was going to strip and paint it, maybe even turn it into a different shape, but actually I kind of like how ridiculous it looks lol, so I think I'll keep it as-is.
Where is the rest of the ship,???

Whatever works for YOU...is good.
Today i spent some time on my lathe turning an old belt pulley into a spring spacer. Yesterday i started changing the coil spring on the W210 and found out the new one are also cut. So i made a spacer to raise the front end so it could be driven without scraping. The spring is very strong and took lots of effort to remove it, so i left the installation for tomorrow when i'm a bit less tired.
Aside from ten feet of base board, I'll call this done enough. Still a ton of paint and trim to do really. But anyways this is what I've been making in my shop. Replaced the bottom half which was peg board. Replaced some of the sill plate. Put in a chair rail to hide the seam. Tried to paint the peg board, which was a big failure. But it's a lot brighter in there now. I'm thinking I may move the mill to the corner. But I've never made a convenient way to move it, so I just worked around it.


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I have a Pfeiffer roughing pump that is pretty noisy, so I bought an Ingersoll Rand muffler. Of course the threads didn’t match and I thought the direction of exhaust would be better toward the floor than at my face. I made a small manifold, 1/4 npt on the exhaust side, 3/8 on the muffler side, with a good size drilled hole from one end connecting them and plugged it with a bolt.

I have low expectations for this muffler. :)

Wow, 638 pages and I'm only on page 5 so far...

I joined a couple of weeks ago when I bought a mill and a lathe. I am looking forward to this thread.

Enjoy. And you will.