POTD- PROJECT OF THE DAY: What Did You Make In Your Shop Today?

Sat the tractor out back yesterday only to have some high A hole completely tear the cowling up . So now it's back in the garage .
Is said A hole still breathing? Need to borrow my backhoe?
what do you mean someone came over and just destroyed the cowling? Did you beat the crap out of them?

Is said A hole still breathing? Need to borrow my backhoe?

Maybe there’s a reason Dave mentioned the chainsaw?
I was watching this guy from the garage . He walked around it numerous times and made a few phone calls while doing it . He then just yanked the hood up which you CAN'T DO on these old JD mowers . The front ends of each side need to be pulled out to clears the locks to release . I took the Kubota out , looked at the tractor and let him know he just destroyed the hood and should've called me before he touched it . " Uh Oh , I just wanted to know what motor was in it " was his response . Dumb ass could have asked me . New hood on the way for $200 . :mad: The $$$ doesn't **** me off , but the fact that the tractor is now back in the garage does . For the first time in years I had some space to work in there , but hey , I guess the tractor is in to work on it . :rolleyes:
so I spent half the day searching for a tool I made a year ago. I needed it to fix another tool today.
https://www.hobby-machinist.com/thr...ou-make-in-your-shop-today.67833/post-1055846 wish I could find it. I have a bunch of rounded turning tools, but the material was difficult so I wanted the tool. Looked everywhere but where it was, or maybe I just didn't see it. :surrender: .

I was making the changes that @tonyfoale made to his HF vibrator.. I used too thick a piece and now need to remove a lot of material. I may need to make some new spacers and get some 4mm 30-35mm long screws, as even after I relieve the boss on the plastic platten, and shorten the shaft, there is no room ... I wonder if they changed the plastic mold or changed who built the vibrator .

edit: Also spun a MT2 taper drill bit in the lathe center today. , not once but 2 or 3 times. When I went to pop it out, it was not coming out smoothly. Well, it galled, Now I have to buy an MT2 taper reamer to clean it up.
If it is not to bad then you could try lapping it with an existing MT2 shank, preferably a non-hardened one.
@SouthernChap 316 and a 7x?? Never had a problem with a decent finish even though that stuff is real honery to machine!


nobody's going get a good surface finish trying to take 0.250" off 1" 316 stainless in one pass
Did you take off a quarter of an inch off in one pass?:grin:

If you did, I think you need to share your Chinese 7x rigidity mod right now, or if you're not feeling community minded, at least offer it as a kit, so the rest of us can mod our lathes! :grin::grin::grin:

It may take time, but you will learn feeds/speeds/Depth of cut et-al for each material. A lot of it is down to experience, so you will find, with time, that develop a "feel" for each material.

Absolutely. Words of wisdom here @sirfallsalot.

The first step is to find out the 'official' feed and speed for the material and diameter you're turning, try that out and adjust to suit your machine, tooling and technique. It does take a bit of time but you can get results that you can be pleased with quite quickly.

Actually, the above isn't quite the first step, the ideal first step really, is to learn about what goes on when lathe tool meets material. Getting a handle on the underlying mechanics, the simplified, basic physics, of cutting material with a lathe (or any machine tool for that matter; leaving aside EDM, they all work mostly the same way) will go a long way to understanding why some materials are harder to machine well than others.
Spent the last couple of days free time going over the new (to me) Darex E20240508_153342.jpg 90. A lot more rust than I expected, but it turned out ok, and works well, luv it. The Tr -70, basically the same, and sharpened a few countersinks on it today. But, I'm having a problem figuring out how the locator for the taps and reamers mount. I have the manual, but must be missing something in the diagram.20240508_153336.jpg20240511_183255.jpg