Brian, why don't you tell us how you really feel? I can totally relate, and would never take anything I owned to a dealer, or anyone else for that matter, but many don't have that option. I would suggest trying an independent shop, for anyone not doing their own work, and Brian, buddy, I probably have a Valium around here somewhere, if it would help.
Thanks Mike.
After some time in my shop and (with no equipment running) a beer I feel much better. no valium required.
I just have a low tolerance for useless people, or worse useless companies set-up to take advantage of people.
They pretend to add value, but in the long run........well they just don't!
It's hard to think of it as anything but abuse.
A local, independent shop with good recommendations is a great alternative.
I use a couple near me for tire balancing and alignments.... things with equipment more specialized than I can afford or (more honestly) house.
Find one you can trust and stick with them.
PS: Although building a dynamic tire balancer sounds like a fun challenge..... what parts do I have? is an arduino enough hp? ...hmmm.....