POTD- PROJECT OF THE DAY: What Did You Make In Your Shop Today?

NOOOOOOO. scotchbrite has abrasive and some of it releases when new...
I keep felt around for a filter, and for one run you are better off with nothing than abrasive.
Ooppss.... will remove it. On my way to buy a replacement filter for it.

EDIT: Could not find it locally.... ordered from Amazon and should be here this Friday... But removed the scotch brite pad…
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also want to change the bottom valve for something that will make it easier to drain the tank.
Look into automatic drain systems. I added one that can be programmed for all kinds of operations...I set mine so that whenever the compressor comes on, it gives a 4 second drain cycle. And I put in a remote compressor switch, because the thing lives outside under a shed roof where it can make all the noise it wants.
Did the tank have water in it? If so, you ought to inspect inside for corrosion. High pressure and a corroded tank is a disaster waiting to happen. Don't want to be a damper, you got a great score, but long term standing water in a steel pressure tank is not good at all. That's why regularly blowing down the tank is important, or getting a gizmo that does it automatically.
I appreciate the tip. I try to be safe in the shop and never intend to demonstrate anything that is not safe. Not a tool I use often and had not considered that happening. Will be more thoughtful next time. Thanks!

I know you were not demonstrating, this was just to you so you are aware. Those things follow the grain sometimes, you had the gun pointed the correct way.. if you had it 90 off it would definitely have followed the grain. Even in ply.

Blades, to expand on Woodchucker's comment about nail gun direction. Most small gun nails have a chisel point, turn the gun so the point cuts through the grain rather than wedge between the fibers. The direction varies between brands and nail gauges. I have an arrow drawn on the head of all my trim guns to indicate the chisel direction. Back when I was trimming houses I couldn't get the guys to grasp the concept that a brad nailer was 90° off from the finish nailer.

Nice storage rack!
I hated the dinky air filter that was on my old and new air compressor. I made a custom fitting for the head and mounted a round flat car filter on the wall and connected with a 2" flex hose.
Nice idea. My IR 60 gallon has a round filter screwed on, so better than many. But nowhere near as large as that!

You have any snow on the ground down there in Iron Mountain?
Had about 20" till the rain. Now some of it is ice. Not melting though :(
A lot of compressor noise comes from the intake. If you can stick it on the other side of the wall it would help dampen some noise. My intake and filter is 15 feet from the compressor
Had about 20" till the rain. Now some of it is ice. Not melting though :(
It never melts fast enough!

We're still close to 3 feet, even after the rain. 3/8" of rain drizzling down in 25F air didn't melt much here. Just made a sheet of ice on everything.