POTD- PROJECT OF THE DAY: What Did You Make In Your Shop Today?

I while ago I couldn't find my cheap Chinese end mill set.
So I bought another set.
Then a while ago I couldn't find my second set.
So I bought another set.
Recently I couldn't find my third set. I decided to look for them.
The second set was next to the third set.

Time to make a bit holder.

This took almost 24 hours to print. It has metric sizes 2.5-10. I added a small chamfer to the top to make them slide in easier and made the hole for the bit a half mm larger than the bit. They fit well.

bit holder 3.jpg
bit holder 2.jpg
This took almost 24 hours to print.

That's my major complaint about 3d filament printers.


With a CNC router, this would probably take a little more time to CAM, but would mill from wood or plastic in 5 to 10 minutes.

But, for some things it's just so easy to push the g code out and just print it. Where 3D printers really pay off is with hollow parts, like vacuum cleaner wands or other weird shapes. Or if you don't have a CNC router or mill! :)
I'm not there yet with my CNC router(s).
If I were, I'd just get a block of plastic the right size and do it.
Maybe someday.

But the good thing about the 3D printer is it does all the work while I'm doing other things, including sleeping.
Neighbor was/is supposed to bring a roller out of a baler to machine. The length is right at the limit of my lathe, so I thought I'd better get the steady rest ready, since I have never used it. Well, it was frozen up of course, couple of hours later with emery and a brake cylinder hone, and good as new.20230411_185926.jpg