I paid 385 euros per ton for this A2 known good palles, last year same month i paid 168 euros a ton. We don't have natural gas infrastructure here, propane gas double as well, it is 3.42$ for a US gallon, Gasoline and Diesel are 6$ a US gallon. Fire wood is 80-100$ for a cubic metre, and the monthly income is 10-20% of the ones in the Us.
OK, so round numbers here again. (Hopefully I get these right...Feel free to check me!)
Macedonian Pellet purchase:
$385 * 4 = $1540. Divided by previous 60 = ~$25 per million BTU.
Last year that would have been ~$11 per million, which is pretty darn good!
Michigan Heat pump:
COP = ~4.25. Power here is ~$.21 / KWH. 1Kw-hr = 3412 BTU.
1 Million BTU / COP (4.25) = 235,294 BTU of electricity used. 235,294 / 3412 = 68.96 Kw-hr of electricity purchased, for 68.96 * .21 = $14.5 per million BTU.
Michigan Propane: (Garage heat is propane...)
Last data is $2.75 per gallon.
~91,000 BTU/Gallon. At ~97% Eff, ~88270 BTU/Gallon. 1 Million / 88270 = 11.32 Gallons * 2.75 per gallon = $31.1 per million BTU.
Macedonian Propane:
11.32 Gallons * $3.42 = $38.71 per million BTU.
Michigan Fuel Oil Heat (Assmuing $4.50 per gallon, last data I can find).
138,000 BTU / Gallon * .85% Eff = 117300 BTU/Gallon. 1 million / 117300 = 8.52 Gallons * 4.50/Gal = $38.36 per million BTU.
Pure Michigan Electric heat (near me).
1 million / 3412 = 293 Kw-hr. So 293 * $0.21 = $61.54 per million BTU!
Natural gas in MI: (I Cheated and looked up an on line calculator)
$14.7 per million BTU. (Historically this matches the heat pump really close.
Downside of a heat pump is the $10,000 to $15,000 of the unit, plus piping and other work. However you take an AC unit out of the picture, and there are usually incentives for purchase/installation. So if natural gas was available here, I'd go that route.