I've been using my mill now for a couple of weeks and I think I'm about ready to start thinking about the CNC conversion.
I think I want to start from the top and work down meaning that I want to get the motherboard first, then add the parallel port, then the BoB, then the motors and drivers. Next, I'll install LinuxCNC and configure it. After I get all this working, I'll work on the ballscrews, mounting, etc. This will keep my mill downtime to a minimum.
So, can anyone recommend a motherboard/CPU? I ran the live version of LinuxCNC on my main PC and got great numbers for the latency test (~2000). However, on my older PC, the numbers were not so great. So, I think a newer, cheaper MB is in order.
Also, I've been looking at the Mesa cards for motion control. Are they worth it? If so, which model?