PM 1228 left hand threading

But seriously, first task at the railroad museum was to help repair the old Ford tractor. It had a water pump shaft that had been worn in two where it passes through the front grill, or something like that, can’t recall exactly.
There was a left hand thread on one end, and while I had never cut one, my old Logan has a lever to spin the lead screw the other way, so I did that and cut the thread left to right, otherwise exactly as normal.

There is no need to use an upside down tool as was mentioned previously.
There is no need to use an upside down tool as was mentioned previously.

I believe the upside down LH tool mentioned previously is to still cut a RH thread but away from the chuck (left to right). Threading away from the chuck with a "conventional" tool is normally how a LH thread is cut.

I only run my internal threading bar upside down, but it's a normal RH tool & I cut on the backside of the bore, right to left, normal spindle rotation, RH thread.
I no longer see the post that discussed upside down tools. We are in complete agreement in any event.
Post #2. I had to do a double take too.
Spam and eggs for me please!

They have it at MickeyDs too!

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