Concur with you guys, It is bad enough, having to go to work for eight hours a day, without wondering what the other guy is doing behind your back, The thought of getting something hitting the back of your head, because some lazy blighter was too indolent to do some basic checks is not pleasant,
My pet peeves, is the mindset nowadays where nobody gives a damn about the care of the machinery or equipment, cleaning up after you, That seems to have gone out of the window long ago, cleaning up your machine --No chance !, Looking smart &tidy at work, You have got to be kidding, Hygiene What is that?
nowadays, in spite of dozens of health & safety gurus, screeds of rules, risk assessments etc some shops look that bad a self respecting tramp or a rat would not venture in the door, And as for the general level of arrogance, Well i don't frankly want to go down that road,
All i can say, is I am glad i left todays industry a long time ago, Guess it is called progress in todays world One thing recently that really got up my nose, is a guy using "The precision cutting machine" A.K.A. An angle grinder for months right beside a nice South Bend lathe, The poor machine right in the line of the sparks, Another was brush up the floor, pile all the crap, dust grit, old cartons etc right up against the column of a nice pillar drill
Moving another fine machine, put the sling round a precision spindle, Lift, & then wonder hoe the machine ended up a write off.
Where has common sense gone?
Addendum to my posting--
As a real tear jerker down memory lane, I had this experience in the year 1982/ish, I was dispatched to a very old established two man band , totally out of date engineering works, The two old guys who kept it ticking over were from memory, the third generation owners/workers, Well the place was a time warp of old belt driven machine tools, having had more than 100 years constant hard service, But & a big but at that, inside that shop, it was spotless, everything cared for (as well as they could) They were winding down, but could still do little contracts, which could baffle many of the experts in big neighbouring shops
Many of the previous old guys , Could teach todays generations How to conduct themselves in industry. big time