Pet Peeves in the shop

Concur with you guys, It is bad enough, having to go to work for eight hours a day, without wondering what the other guy is doing behind your back, The thought of getting something hitting the back of your head, because some lazy blighter was too indolent to do some basic checks is not pleasant,

My pet peeves, is the mindset nowadays where nobody gives a damn about the care of the machinery or equipment, cleaning up after you, That seems to have gone out of the window long ago, cleaning up your machine --No chance !, Looking smart &tidy at work, You have got to be kidding, Hygiene What is that?
nowadays, in spite of dozens of health & safety gurus, screeds of rules, risk assessments etc some shops look that bad a self respecting tramp or a rat would not venture in the door, And as for the general level of arrogance, Well i don't frankly want to go down that road,

All i can say, is I am glad i left todays industry a long time ago, Guess it is called progress in todays world One thing recently that really got up my nose, is a guy using "The precision cutting machine" A.K.A. An angle grinder for months right beside a nice South Bend lathe, The poor machine right in the line of the sparks, Another was brush up the floor, pile all the crap, dust grit, old cartons etc right up against the column of a nice pillar drill
Moving another fine machine, put the sling round a precision spindle, Lift, & then wonder hoe the machine ended up a write off.

Where has common sense gone?

Addendum to my posting--

As a real tear jerker down memory lane, I had this experience in the year 1982/ish, I was dispatched to a very old established two man band , totally out of date engineering works, The two old guys who kept it ticking over were from memory, the third generation owners/workers, Well the place was a time warp of old belt driven machine tools, having had more than 100 years constant hard service, But & a big but at that, inside that shop, it was spotless, everything cared for (as well as they could) They were winding down, but could still do little contracts, which could baffle many of the experts in big neighbouring shops

Many of the previous old guys , Could teach todays generations How to conduct themselves in industry. big time
If you went thru an 8000 hr apprenticeship you were taught one thing that you did not know was being instilled in you. You were taught a machinists dicipline. It is what has kept your spirit all these years. It is what keeps you from pulling the pranks on others. It is a part of your everyday life now. It will never leave or let you down.

"Billy G" :))
I knew a young woman who became a mail carrier. She said if you kept a "clean route"(delivered all the junk mail-some just tossed it),the other carriers would be mad at you,but the supervisor would like you. She kept a clean route,but the peer pressure was to do as little as possible.
I blame the government for rewarding people for their bad behavior over the last 20 or 30 years. There's no incentive to do good anymore. As a small business owner, I find myself doing less & less each year because the government is making more from my hard work than I am or should I say those people that have learned to work the system are making more from my efforts than I am. I do not apologize for what Im saying because I'm the one who has to send the checks to the Feds every quarter & then after the 1st of the year have to send another check because they said that I didn't pay enough the 1st time around. If your a small business owner you know what I'm talking about. If you've never ran a small business then you have no clue.
The greatest man that ever walked upon the earth says to give unto Cesar that which is Cesar's. It's just very frustrating to me knowing what Cesar does with it once he gets it .
Didn't mean to rant but this is my pet peeve in the shop.
I worked as millwright years ago in a factory in Southern California installing production machinery. There was pipe fitter that would come up behind me when I was welding on the metal bench and hit the bench as hard as he could with a baby sledge hammer. That would scare the daylights out of me. He was also known to do the acetylene trick where you fill a paper cup with gas and set it off to make a loud bang. All in all he was a major pain.
Personally I am a bit of neat freak, and messy work areas rubs me the wrong way. Another thing that gets me is when someone needs an extension cord and plugs it in, unrolls enough to get to the work and then throws the coil down and trips over it for the rest of the day. I could go on & on.
I have a home repair business and the majority of my customers don't know how to do simple repairs around the house or are just to lazy. But, I have
to say in this business I love this type of person. When I was in college, I worked in the maintenance shop of a large plant and the 2 machinists took me
under their wing. It was the greatest learning experience of my life, I only wish I could remember 1/2 of what they showed me. Each summer the plant
would hire college students to help in the shop and I could never understand why they would rather goof off than work and learn something. Fast forward
several years and I managed stores for an auto parts retailer and you wouldn't believe how hard it was to find dependable people to sell parts. I would
literally go through 30-40 people just to get one dependable, honest hardworker. My favorite employees were retired military looking for a new career
or older retires looking for part time work. The people my age or younger just didn't have any work ethic. I blame the parents for this, how can you
raise a hardworking kid if you don't set an example for them. I'm just so gratefull that the job I had in college almost 30 years ago gave me the foundation
for what I do today. You never know how your life is going to be in the future, so you better make the best of oppuritunitues now.
For me it's gotta be following someone who left a dirty machine. My motto is leave it better than you found it. I hate slackers also. The daily whiner is a pain in the behind too. That door to the shop works both ways, if you don't like the job hit the door and quit the constant complaining.
How about the guy that desperately needs your skills and help, and then proceeds to tell you how to do what he can't
1.the 'friend' who won't help you clean up once he has his finished part in his hand
2.the same'friend' who keeps answering his phone and talking BS to the other end rather than finishing explaining to you what he wants done
3.people that assume they can throw tools back in any old drawer rather than the ones they came out of.
4.people that bring 'little Johnny' with them and then don't control or watch the kid and then get ****** when you tell little Johnny to go 'stand right there and don't move'.

Luckily for me I also have people just the exact opposite of the 'pet peevers' that almost make up for the jerks. I also try not to give the 'peevers' a second chance.

On the more professional side it's the folks that couldn't be on time to save their life or can't come to shake your hand, not because you are dirty, but because its beneath them to acknowledge you, that really get my goat.

i learned long ago that you can get a lot more cooperation and attention out of someone if you just make a point of shaking their hand when you first meet them. And then shake it again when you got what you wanted.