Pass Around 2015

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I will followup with Jpower and silverbullet to see whats up
30 pound, I think it has gained weight since I shipped it out, now just to see how much BOX 2 is when it gets to me. Of course I can add a bit of stuff also.
have been off much the last couple of weeks, and now trying to catch up.
Okeedokee, it came today box two has arrived. I went thru the contents picked the items I liked. Two strap clamps , a gem indicator, a paper with an r8 collet rack pictured (to be sent), also a small fly cutter and a couple tool bits that fit it, and three endmills 3/8" and smaller ,and a 1" mic. I added several more items most new and unused . Now I need to get the next one on the list . Who's next??? Oh I had to make two new screw holes in box , stripped out . Box is sealed and waiting , will ship ASAP, thanks to all its pretty nice to do this .
I looked on the list Kvt is next , at least if the list is correct. Will need his address and ph number. Will have my daughter mail ASAP , will let ya know when ? The boxes are really moving, . Pm with address thanks . Silverbullet.
Silverbullet check your pm.
Route another box in My direction. I've got some recent finds I need to get to someone I'm through hording.
Pictures??? What's that saying everyone quotes? "With out any pictures, it didn't happen"
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