Ordering A Dovetail Cutter

just looking at the dimensions listed it appears that they are .250
...yeah, probably.......I just hate to assume (with all the usual baggage attached to that word ;))

Thanks guys, and thanks to good old TubalCain/Mr Pete for another fascinating video.

Chuck the grumpy old guy
I rely on his videos a lot to find how to do some things.
That was one of the main ones for when I was making extra AXA holders.
His simplified explanation of the formula to figure it out was very helpful.
Not as complicated as the one in the Machinist Handbook.

If it wasn't for Tubalcain (Lyle Peterson), Keith Fenner, and Keith Rucker videos I would be lost sometimes.
Those guys vids can pretty much show you how to do most things on a machine.
I could not agree more. Most of what I've learned since getting my machines I learned from Tubalcain.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I was using the standard HSS dovetail cutters and then got a new inserted 1-3-8" cutter from Shars. The difference is night and day if you are using tough steel for your holders.
Thanks everyone, for all the great info! I too have learned a lot from Tubalcain's videos as well as Fenner and others. Of course being on this forum for the last year and a half has helped me tremendously as well. I never took Trigonometry in school so doing the math is out, and although tomh said a 1" cutter would be good for an AXA holder (thx for that), I figure that, (someone please correct me if I'm wrong), I can cut a smaller dovetail with a bigger cutter BUT I can't cut a bigger dovetail with a smaller cutter. So I'm thinking I will get a 1 3/8" cutter, then I will have it if I need a bigger dovetail cut in the future. Anyone know of any instances where a larger cutter wouldn't work to cut a smaller dovetail? Thanks again, JR49 PS. As I was typing this, one thing occurred to me, I have no idea how long these cutters last, if the cutter is going to be worn out after making 6 to 8 holders, then I shouldn't pay more for a bigger cutter than I need for the AXA holders. What say you? JR49
Anyone know of any instances where a larger cutter wouldn't work to cut a smaller dovetail?

The only restriction I can think of is when the dovetail is very narrow. The narrowest dovetail you could cut would be limited by the major diameter of the cutter.....but you may never need one that narrow.....
