OK, It Finally Happened: I have Too Many Tools!

One of my favorites from the Commander . :encourage:
I buy what I want, no issues with the wife. Controlling my buying habits is all my own struggle. I admittedly hit the wall with RC model airplanes and components a few years ago. I have several lifetimes worth. Fortunately I added in a machining hobby and am off and running in tool purchasing. :dunno:
Personally, I picked more tools and ditched the wife. :)
I don’t have too many tools. I do, however, have insufficient space. Last shop was almost 1300 square feet. Current shop is 380 square feet.
I've hit the upper limit on shop space.

Not saying that you can have too much shop space, just not enough brain cells to keep track of where stuff is. Even with careful organization, and labeling (well, not quite up to @ChazzC 's standards), at some point it becomes more cluttered storage of unknown stuff than working space. The solution is frequent trips to the county recycling center, and about every two years I rent a dumpster.

Of course if there were more hours in the day to spend in the shop, then I might have a better chance of keeping up. ;)
Rabler, I feel your pain. When the space is cramped organization becomes even more important and it’s really hard to make the perfect place for everything. After I sell my small lathe and round column mill I’m going to rearrange the shop some. When I built stands for my woodworking tools I put everything on wheels and every stand except the jointer has drawers in it. Most of them are shallow because I find them more efficient for the tools I have. My shop has almost 100 drawers in a 19’ x 20’ room.

In that space I do machining, some woodworking but it’s more necessity than hobby and I build large RC airplanes.
Not possible to have too many tools... only too little space.
I find it easy to have too many of a particular type of tools- Crappy tools. Any more than zero crappy tools is too much…

I certainly have too little space too.
I'll be shedding 90% of what I have starting in September . Hopefully I'll be able to walk thru the garage after that . :big grin: