New cutting blade for tape dispenser ideas sought

The problem has been solved but I was thinking about replacement X-Acto type saw blades as well. Hobby shops and Hobby Lobby/Michael’s have them.
Yes, it has, but I probably could pick up some of those saw blades. Maybe, I'll even repair the POS dispenser for giggles. However, that thing never quite worked right most of the time, which really is the motivation to get a new one.

My earlier unit (before the HF) was a whole lot nicer to use. I'm sure the McMaster one will be ok. Been satisfied with their stuff 99.5% of the time, so they have a good track record.
And the new tape dispenser is much better than the HF one! It's heavier, more metal for rigidity, and the blade is a lot thicker. And guess what, it's pretty easy to use. Go figure. Spend twice as much and get more than twice the value. Yeah, this one will not be loaned out. I'm calling this a win. Appears to be made in Italy.