I have seen a black, non-metallic tweezer with special ends shaped to fit over 0603 and 0402 that fit more or less over the SMD, gripping from the sides. Turned through 90°, it almost had possibilities of hanging onto a SOT23, but not quite!
I have also seen a trick where a guy adapted the tube from a foot-switch operated solder suck thing onto something he extracted from a ball-pen. He puts the resistor, which is suck onto the end of the tube by vacuum, into place, then stops with the vacuum. I don't think it would be all that successful for most, but he had developed the skill.
He taught me the "Polish Coil Wire trick" to remove IC's when you need selective removal, and cannot heat up the whole board. For small outline ICs and quad packs. It requires the quite fine enameled magnet wire, I guess about 30 or 36 AWG. You first use a wick to remove the top excess of solder. Then thread the wire through under the pins in the gap between the IC body, and the pin pads. Secure one end somwhere. Wrap it around a component or something. Then tug on the other end sideways, while applying heat to the top of the pin, to spring them one by one, pulling on the coil wire. It works well as a controlled, no-damage removal, until you get to the last two pins. Here, I found. it pays to heat the last two pins simultaneously, and lift off the IC.