You somehow track my thoughts.
I have trawled available ADC's trying to select on speed, number of bits resolution, signal-noise ratio, in-stock availability, price, and signal processing complexity overhead. I come a number of conclusions that reduce the choices. I throw in a little preference from previous actual design implementation and experience of trying to reduce the number of lower order bits that were being rendered random by (mostly) common-mode noise from SMPUs, computing, the isolation in transfer of the digital numbers from the point where there is necessarily a common ground return. At the time, this was to measure S-Band Satcoms transmitter over a 76dB dynamic range.
1. The A/D converter choice converges on Analog Devices, and Linear Technology products, and they are now all part of the same company.
2. I cut the choice by looking for only the products in stock at Mouser and Digi-Key. There is some overlap with Farnell/Element-14 and RS Components. The rest of the choice is driven by price. I was OK with under $10 to $30.
The whole thing, built as a 16-bit, 5MB/sec rate device, on demo PCB seems to cost around £44 to £55. (Sorry - I freely use both $ and £, and I don't know where sits "Mackenzie Kings") Maybe too pricey here, after the other costs. Makes me want to go after "pulse stretching"
3. I was pleased to discover that of the possible products, most of the range of Linear Technology part numbers, now mixed in with some Analg Devices part numbers have available evaluation boards. The designs are published, or you can buy some PCB only. Also, can buy the full assembled kit. These can come in two forms. One includes an elaborate interface, with more electronics, and cable to PC, with Windows "evaluation" software. Then there is the simpler kind, which is the device, and some surrounding isolation interface parts, like voltage level translators, local low noise regulators, etc. Intended for I2C and SPI interfaces.
4. You are right about the number of bits, but take care. When the product claims "no lost codes", what may be going on is that to deliver (say) 16 bits, the LSB bit is actually a 17th bit. The normal LSB uncertainty over where the threshold is (turning 65536-1 levels into 32768-1 levels) is removed. That extra bit hidden away in the bottom register makes the whole 16-bits available.
Mixed in there is consider the sampling method. For example, the
Delta-Sigma types get past quite a lot of quantization noise. This is where you have to spot what are 1-bit modulators. We don't go into the principles here, but there is a speed trade-off in return for signal quality. The implementation can offer cost convenience and reduced circuit complexity - but slower.
Some A/D converters get up to fast types of pipelined averaging, which boosts signal-to-noise ratio.
4a. I consider the signal-to-noise ratio available from Si(PM) avalanche diodes in reverse bias at room temperatures, and parallel thoughts about PMT shot noise, dynode noise modulation from supplies, photocathode dark current, etc. There is no point in having a 90dB S/N A/D converter when the lower order bits are jumping about from a incoming 60dB S/N ratio. In passing, S/N ratios for me are power ratios..
5. I throw in considering using the filtered pulse stretching method, which has to get a credibility check. Even if it works well, the circuit implementations published, especially the filter, are not going to be followed by me.
I would "roll my own".
This opens the possibility of offering buffered, low noise, sorted pulses as line-level inputs into the audio A/D channels of the very same Pi doing the rest of the work.
"Pulse Stretching"
After what I have read about scintillators, afterpulses, etc, I am definitely a fan of high speed A/D conversion intitial information snatching.
All that stuff about "losing the ringing", caused by the filtering in the first place, does not impress me. What amounts to a crude diode clamping instead of an analog instrumentation circuit - what? All that stuff to deal with an artifact needlessly the consequence of strange signal conditioning in the first place! I am willing to check out the validity of "pulse stretching", but in a deliberate way to prove it works.
If the amplitude information is retained, and the only distortions are from constants in snatching it into energy storage in a filter, and waiting out the aftermath to leak away before bumping it again , then OK. The circuit needs to be gated, and block A/D conversion until ready for the "next" pulse candidate.
The random arrival of pulses does not prevent my DSO scope from averaging. If the trigger is set high enough to to miss the low-level pulses, it builds a trace, triggering when it has to. It remains to be tried out on a proper scintillation signal.
Forgive that all this is a bit expansive. I wanted to let you know my thinking, and where I am as yet undecided.
The stuff from Sphere's is interesting -->
So far, the shipping $66 exceeds some of the product $45.
My "other" PMT is somewhere "in transit" from Ukraine.
Do you have a Si(PM) photodiode in mind? How much does it cost?
What is your (so far) choice for scintillator?
Are we going to attempt an acryllic " long pyramid" light pipe to deliver from scintillator to a 1.4mm2 diode?
It's quite strange - shovelling shop site spoil into a heap (energetic + boring) while thinking about A/D conversion!