Getting back on topic, I have been taking a first look through the source code PyMca5 software for X-Ray fluorscence that was on the repository for my PC. Written in Python, there is a LOT. It appears to be all the software component programs as developed and used at CERN accelerator. I have only had a brief look through, but there appears to be a GUI package set, and all sorts of component programs for capture and analysis of scintillation data.
There is the "PyMca X-Ray Fluorescence Toolkit"
Just getting to know how to drive it is going to take quite a lot of study.
The commands do run on the example test data provided as a check the installation has gone OK. This stuff is clearly science rigorous in very serious mode with extra stamps and thumps! I suppose that given it was and is so widely used for PhD careers at the LHC, that is to be expected, but I don't think that makes it unsuitable. There may be powerul stuff in it one may never use in a modest, somewhat approximate application like ours, but it already runs on the Pi-4.
I have received my GPIO interface kit from eBay. Still no sign of the PMT tube, and I still have to get the act together on scintillator and Si(PM) diodes. I have set the Pi-4 up with a heatsink that has a 40mm, apparently silent, little fan, and set it to clock at 2GHz.
PyMca can be downloaded from --> HERE
There is the "PyMca X-Ray Fluorescence Toolkit"
Just getting to know how to drive it is going to take quite a lot of study.
The commands do run on the example test data provided as a check the installation has gone OK. This stuff is clearly science rigorous in very serious mode with extra stamps and thumps! I suppose that given it was and is so widely used for PhD careers at the LHC, that is to be expected, but I don't think that makes it unsuitable. There may be powerul stuff in it one may never use in a modest, somewhat approximate application like ours, but it already runs on the Pi-4.
I have received my GPIO interface kit from eBay. Still no sign of the PMT tube, and I still have to get the act together on scintillator and Si(PM) diodes. I have set the Pi-4 up with a heatsink that has a 40mm, apparently silent, little fan, and set it to clock at 2GHz.
PyMca can be downloaded from --> HERE