I am considering using a test square-wave pulse from a generator, it's energy spread into a capacitor via a RC low pass filter.
Then, one can use the generator output control to make little increments in amplitude.
Then check if the ADC area assessment of energy tracks those.
In this, we have the pulse rate stay constant, and the period over which we count stay fixed. Any bucket will always see the same count.
We should get a single spike, always the same count, that will move across to the next bucket as we increment the height of the pulses. The idea is to discover just how small a change in energy can reliably move the plot to the next bucket.
Then, one can use the generator output control to make little increments in amplitude.
Then check if the ADC area assessment of energy tracks those.
In this, we have the pulse rate stay constant, and the period over which we count stay fixed. Any bucket will always see the same count.
We should get a single spike, always the same count, that will move across to the next bucket as we increment the height of the pulses. The idea is to discover just how small a change in energy can reliably move the plot to the next bucket.